How Up-to-date Does Non-schengen Area Eu Passport Have to Be for Travel Within the Eu?

ETIAS – European Travel Information and Authorization System

European Travel Information and Authorisation SystemThere are many countries that are non in the European Union (European union) whose citizens can enter the European union Schengen Zone without needing a visa. Specifically, in that location are currently 63 countries that are not in the European union just are visa-gratuitous.

Citizens of these countries are immune to go into countries in the Schengen Zone for business or travel purposes for up to 90 days. During these 90 days, these visitors are non immune to work or written report just can engage in business organization and tourism activities.

In addition, recent security concerns with terrorism and the migrant crisis have called for better management of who is inbound European union borders. The European union has continuously declared its goal of making travelling within its borders a more secure experience.

To reduce procedures and wait times, as well every bit accost the security concerns, the European Commission (EC) has come up up with a solution – ETIAS.

This article will contain all the information you demand regarding this new arrangement and whether you qualify for information technology.

What is ETIAS?

ETIAS stands for European Travel Information and Authorization Organization. It is a completely electronic system that allows and keeps track of visitors from countries who do not need a visa to enter the Schengen Zone. In a way, it resembles the U.S Electronic System for Travel Authorization (ESTA), which serves a like purpose.

The legal procedures to pass the ETIAS have started in 2016, and the system is expected to be fully operational in May 2023.

The ETIAS will undergo a detailed security bank check of each applicant to determine whether they tin can be allowed to enter whatever Schengen Zone land. While citizens of countries who do non need a visa for travel purposes of up to 90 days in the EU exercise not demand to go through a long procedure of applying for the visa, the ETIAS will make sure that these people are not a security threat. This travel authorization arrangement volition assemble, go along track of, and update necessary information regarding visitors to make up one's mind whether it is condom for them to enter Schengen countries.

The ETIAS, besides being used for business and tourist purposes, will also let people to visit the Schengen countries for medical and transit reasons. In addition, it will be mandatory for all countries that are Schengen visa-free.

Why ETIAS Authorisation?

European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker

European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker, State of the Union Accost, 14 September 2016.

In his 2016 State of the Wedlock Accost, President of the European Committee, Jean-Claude Juncker has said the following:

Nosotros need to know who is crossing our borders. This way we will know who is travelling to Europe before they even become here.

The primary reason for the blessing of the ETIAS dominance is security. With the increased take a chance of travellers worldwide, the Eu wants to ensure safe travels in its countries. The ETIAS volition subtract security concerns substantially through its data and information gathering systems. What this means, is that the ETIAS will detect if a person is a threat in whatsoever mode to the security of Schengen countries. This will pb to the person being denied entry and avoiding the threat of being nowadays inside EU borders. It will basically deal with a problem before information technology is even there.

However, besides making travelling more secure, the ETIAS authorization volition also assist the European union countries and all travellers in the following means:

  • Reduce procedures and application times
  • Improve the management of European union country borders
  • Assist in detecting and decreasing crime and terrorism
  • Impede irregular migration
  • Reinforce the visa liberalization policy of the EU

All in all, the ETIAS dominance will make travelling to the European union less of a hassle and a much safer experience.


How will electronic travel authorization system work

ETIAS Countries

These are the European countries that will crave a valid ETIAS upon inflow at their borders:
Republic of austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Republic of hungary, Republic of iceland, Italian republic, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Republic of lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Espana, Sweden and Switzerland.

Who Will Need ETIAS?

As mentioned, the ETIAS targets citizens of countries who can enter the EU zone visa-free. As such, the post-obit 63 countries will demand to go the ETIAS authorization:

  • A -- H
  • I -- P
  • S -- Z

  • Republic of albania
  • Antigua and Barbuda
  • Argentina
  • Australia
  • Bahamas
  • Barbados
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Brazil
  • Negara brunei darussalam
  • Canada
  • Chile
  • Republic of colombia
  • Costa Rica
  • Dominica
  • Republic of el salvador
  • Georgia
  • Grenada
  • Guatemala
  • Honduras
  • Hong Kong Southward.A.R*
  • Israel
  • Japan
  • Kiribati
  • Macao S.A.R*
  • Malaysia
  • Marshall islands
  • Republic of mauritius
  • Mexico
  • Micronesia
  • Moldova
  • Montenegro
  • Republic of nauru
  • New Zealand
  • Nicaragua
  • N Macedonia
  • Palau
  • Panama
  • Paraguay
  • Republic of peru
  • Saint Kitts and Nevis
  • Saint Lucia
  • Saint Vincent
  • Samoa
  • Serbia
  • Republic of seychelles
  • Singapore
  • Solomon Islands
  • South Korea
  • Taiwan **
  • Timor Leste
  • Tonga
  • Trinidad and Tobago
  • Tuvalu
  • Ukraine
  • United Arab Emirates
  • United Kingdom
  • U.s.
  • Uruguay
  • Vanuatu
  • Venezuela

Until the launching of the system, more countries might be added to the list, simply at the moment, all citizens of the above-mentioned countries will exist obliged to obtain ETIAS potency before entering whatsoever EU country.

* Special authoritative regions of the People's Republic of China.
** Entities and Territorial Authorities that are not recognised as states by at to the lowest degree one Fellow member State.

>> ETIAS Eligibility Checker

How Will the ETIAS System Work?

The ETIAS system will be simple to employ and will save time for applicants and for processing.

How will ETIAS system work?

Those who want to get approval volition take to follow these steps to apply for ETIAS:

Filling out the application form

The ETIAS application is expected to take about 10 minutes to fill out. Information technology volition be online and then you lot will non take to go through paperwork. Depending on the country of citizenship that y'all cull, it volition present you with several fields to fill. You must give the following information:

  • Biometric information such every bit:
    • Get-go name
    • Last name
    • Concluding name at birth
    • Date of nascence
    • Identify of birth
  • Information regarding your citizenship
  • Address
  • Email and telephone number
  • Teaching and work experience
  • Get-go EU state you intend to visit
  • Groundwork and eligibility questions will inquire about your medical condition, travel to war countries or places where you were deported or rejected, likewise as criminal records
  • For minors, the legal guardian must apply for ETIAS
  • For family members of European union citizens from other countries, y'all must submit proof of relationship, residence card, and other background data

Submitting the application

When you complete the application, you lot will take to pay the fee and submit it. The system will practise the following:

  • Check if the information you gave was right
  • Cheque your eligibility
  • Check your risk factors

If what you filled out on the application grade is correct, and you are eligible and not risky for the ETIAS, then y'all volition exist approved. This whole procedure is expected to be completed in only a few minutes.

Yet, if there is a hit from the ETIAS, the application volition be manually candy. The manual processing is expected to take about 96 hours (four days), or a maximum of 2 weeks.


How Much Will ETIAS Cost?

The ETIAS will not burden your finances a lot. It is planned to take the ETIAS cost simply €7 for each application. This is only valid for adults over 18 years old, equally those under 18 will not have to pay any fees. Y'all can pay the fee by debit or credit carte du jour. Immediately after you consummate the payment, the ETIAS authorization will start processing.


Below you will notice answers to commonly asked questions regarding the ETIAS authorization.

How long is the ETIAS valid?

If approved, the ETIAS might exist valid for 3 years or until the end of validity of the travel document registered during the application, whichever comes first. Whether you will go the offset menstruum of validity or the second depends on the organization'southward evaluation of your information and risk.

Can my ETIAS application be denied?

Aye, any ETIAS application can be denied if there is anything incorrect with it, like the following:

  • The person applying has used a travel document that is reported as lost, stolen, misappropriated or invalidated in the Schengen Information Organization SIS Ii.
  • The applicant poses a security risk for the citizens and travellers of the Schengen Area.
  • The applicant poses an illegal immigration risk.
  • The bidder poses a high epidemic hazard.
  • An bidder is a person for whom there is an existing alert in Sister for the purpose of refusing entry and stay.
  • The applicant fails to reply to a request for extra information or documentation within the deadline given.
  • The applicant fails to attend an extra interview when required.

A travel say-so tin can besides be rejected in cases where there are reasonable and serious doubts about the authenticity of the information given and the supporting documents submitted by the person applying.

What if my ETIAS application is denied?

Within minutes of your submission of the awarding, y'all will get a response on the condition of your ETIAS. If it is canonical, congratulations! If not, though, you volition get the denial message. In the deprival bulletin, you volition besides have a reason as to why the ETIAS was denied. You could appeal this decision or based on the denial reason, you tin adapt your application and try once more.

How can I appeal an ETIAS rejection determination?

Every rejected applicant has the correct to appeal the determination when he/she has proof the decision has been taken unjustly or by mistake.
The appeal procedures should exist explained to applicants by the ETIAS National Unit of the Member State which is responsible for rejecting the application.

>> Main Reasons Why ETIAS Applications May Be Rejected – and How to Appeal a Negative Conclusion

What documents do I need for the ETIAS authorization?

The merely document y'all will need to apply for the ETIAS is your valid passport. Your passport might be required to have this data:

  • Your digital photograph which is not glued to the passport
  • A motorcar-readable passport – which is found below your passport moving-picture show and has 2 lines of numbers, letters, and symbols
  • Electronic passport chip – which is not necessarily mandatory, but would be an reward. This bit can exist found on the cover folio of your passport at the bottom.

Upon submitting an ETIAS application, some travellers may exist asked to submit additional documents.

Who will demand to submit extra documents for ETIAS?

Upon the submission of an ETIAS application, some applicants might be asked to submit extra documents, equally the ETIAS National Unit of the Member State responsible may deem the information provided by the applicant insufficient.

The bidder will receive the list of the additional documents he/she has to send through an e-mail.
The additional documents should be provided directly to the ETIAS National Unit of the Member State responsible through the secure account service inside ten days of the engagement of receipt of the request.

Can I enter any EU country with the ETIAS authorization?

To use the ETIAS authorization correctly, you must get-go pass through the showtime country you stated in your awarding. If you were planning to go through Frg, Belgium, and Austria, and yous stated in your application that the first country you will visit is Deutschland, you must go through it earlier you visit Belgium and Austria. After you enter your offset country, you tin can visit any other country in the Schengen Zone for xc days.

However, just because yous have the ETIAS does non necessarily guarantee you entry into the European union countries. This is at the discretion of the border authorities.

There are countries in the Eu, which are non in the Schengen Zone, and you lot cannot enter them with the ETIAS dominance.

How does ETIAS check my data?

ETIAS volition be connected to many databases which can verify your data within minutes. That is why it's important for all applicants to give honest responses and not endeavour giving false information. If you are caught giving fraudulent information to the ETIAS arrangement, you will be denied authorization. In addition, if your ETIAS is approved, simply you are after plant with incorrect or false information, your ETIAS will be revoked.

How long does it take to complete the ETIAS awarding?

As stated, the ETIAS awarding is expected to just take nigh 10 minutes to fill. Afterwards 10 minutes, you will receive a notification that your session has timed out and you might be asked to start from the commencement. To avoid this, effort to go through the application carefully and salve your information.

Exercise I need to attend an interview for ETIAS?

As a rule, an interview is not required for obtaining an ETIAS. Yet, very few applicants may have to attend in-person interviews in lodge for their ETIAS awarding to be fully candy. This will happen when there are doubts regarding the information or documentation provided past the applicant.

The ETIAS National Unit of measurement of the Fellow member State responsible might invite the bidder for an interview.

The applicant should be notified of the interview through the e-mail service, inside 72 hours of his/her submission of additional information or documents. The interview shall take identify inside ten days of the date of the invitation. In cases when the applicant fails to attend the interview, the application shall be refused.

What if I am not eligible for the ETIAS?

All citizens of countries in the table above (countries which can enter the European union without visas) are eligible to apply for the ETIAS. If you are not eligible for this travel authorisation, it ways that you are not a citizen of those countries. This means that you must obtain a Schengen Visa to enter the EU countries.

Do I need ETIAS if I have a Schengen Visa?

No, if you have a Schengen Visa, then you volition not demand an ETIAS authorization. You can present your visa to the edge authorities when you enter the Schengen Zone countries. When your visa expires, you tin employ for the ETIAS if you are eligible.

Volition British citizens be required to have the ETIAS dominance?

All Uk nationals will need to apply for ETIAS travel authority by May 2023 when the scheme becomes fully operational.

UK residents who are passport holders of one of the countries with which the EU has a visa authorities in place are not eligible to apply for an ETIAS despite their residency in U.k.. They will instead accept to utilize for a regular Schengen visa.

How many times tin can I enter the EU with an ETIAS?

Y'all can enter the Schengen member states every bit many times as you want, for every bit long as your ETIAS is valid, and you accept not stayed more than 90 days in a 180 day period.

Are ESTA and ETIAS the same? What are their differences?

ESTA is the Usa equivalent of the European union ETIAS. While ETIAS stands for European Travel Data and Authorization, ESTA stands for Electronic System for Travel Authorization.

You will not exist able to enter the U.s.a. with an ETIAS, just the same equally an ESTA holder is not permitted to enter the Eu without having an ETIAS or Schengen Visa. U.s. citizens, which are permitted to enter Europe visa-free, starting from May 2023, will have to obtain an ETIAS prior to their trip to the Schengen Zone.

Is ETIAS a Visa?

No. The ETIAS authorisation is not a visa.

Nationals of visa liberalisation countries will continue to travel to the European union without a visa simply will simply be required to obtain a travel authority via ETIAS prior to their travel.

ETIAS volition be a simple, fast and visitor-friendly organisation, which will, in more than 95% of cases, result in a positive answer inside a few minutes.

An ETIAS travel authorisation does not reintroduce visa-like obligations. In that location is no need to become to a consulate to make an application, no biometric data is collected and significantly less information is gathered than during a visa application procedure. Whereas, as a general rule, a Schengen visa procedure can take up to xv days, and can in some cases exist extended up to 30 or 60 days, the online ETIAS application merely takes a few minutes to fill in. The validity will be for a period of three years, significantly longer than the validity of a Schengen visa. An ETIAS authorisation volition be valid for an unlimited number of entries.

Do I also need an ETIAS if I have a Schengen Visa?

If yous have a Schengen Visa, that means you are not role of the list of the countries, which are visa-exempt.  Therefore, you lot will not need ETIAS authorization. You can present your visa to the border government when yous enter the Schengen Zone countries. When your visa expires, you can apply for the ETIAS if y'all are eligible.

Do I need an ETIAS visa if I already have a long-term visa from one of the Fellow member States?

Since a long-term visa issued past one of the member states gives you the right to move throughout the whole Schengen, you volition not need to obtain a travel authorization for as long as you accept the visa.

Do infants and children need ETIAS?

Every traveller, even infants and elders will need to present a travel authority upon their arrival in Schengen in order to be permitted to enter. Even so, people under the age of eighteen are exempt from paying the fee.

Can a travel authorization be revoked?

Yeah, a travel authorization can be revoked or annulled if the weather for issuing the travel authorization no longer use, or if the travel authorization holder is found to have violated any of the ETIAS rules.

What is the ETIAS watchlist?

This is a listing that consists of data on people who are suspected to have committed or take been part of a crime (such every bit terrorism). The ETIAS watchlist will be established based on the information provided by the Member States and Europol.

When will ETIAS be implemented?

ETIAS is expected to be operational in May 2023.

Latest updates about ETIAS

  • Technical & Organisational Bug May Delay European union'due south Entry/Exit Organisation Implementation, Statewatch Says xix.ten.2021
  • International Carriers Can Now Register for Entry/Exit System & ETIAS on european union-LISA Website 15.10.2021
  • ane.four Billion People Obliged to Apply for Eu Travel Authority past End of 2022, Eu Border Agency Says xiii.10.2021
  • European Travel Data & Authorization Arrangement on Track for Entry Into Operation by End of 2022 03.08.2021
  • Evolution of ETIAS System for Advance Checks of Visa-Free Travellers Moves Forward Despite COVID-xix 09.06.2021
  • Quango Presidency & European Parliament Provisionally Agree on Rules Connecting ETIAS Fundamental Organisation to Relevant Eu Databases 19.03.2021
  • European union Confirms: COVID-19 Hasn't Affected Preparations for Entry Into Operation of ETIAS Scheme 07.ten.2020
  • Eu Commission Reveals New Details on ETIAS Travel Authorization 09.03.2020
  • ETIAS Travel Authorisation for Britons Won't Exist Mandatory in 2021 09.03.2020
  • ETIAS is existence delayed for 2022. It won't be mandatory until 2023 08.03.2020
  • ETIAS Won't Use to Russian Diplomatic Passport Holders 24.02.2020
  • Confirmed: Citizens of Four European Microstates Will Not Need the New EU Travel Authorization 06.02.2020
  • ETIAS Regulation enters into force 09.10.2018
  • European Council adopts regulation on the establishment of ETIAS 05.09.2018
  • European Parliament has given its final agreement to found ETIAS 05.07.2018
  • EU Ambassadors Approve Electronic Travel Dominance Organization for Third Countries 25.04.2018
  • ETIAS about to improve visa-free travelling pre-entry control xix.10.2017
  • European travel information and potency organization – Quango agrees negotiating position ten.06.2017
  • Non-Eu travellers now volition face up a €v fee to enter the passport-free Schengen Zone  16.11.2016
  • Brussels prepares EU-broad scheme for visa-free travel dominance  27.08.2016

* Special authoritative regions of the People'south Democracy of Communist china
** Entities and Territorial Regime that are not recognised as states by at least one Member State

Infographics: © European Commission

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